i ran into a car while riding the bike and if i didn't hit the car with my head i fell onto my head when landing in the road. i scraped up my shoulder and my knuckles pretty bad, and i had cuts and swelling on my face.
i got lucky and walked away and only an informal nurse's examination that day at a party made me worried. she told me, beer in hand, that i might have an orbital fracture. my brow was swollen and numb, with cuts above an below my eye. she said it was not bad if the eye was not hurt, but in a day or two i might begin to lose some vision if there were interior trauma.
she told me to try to notice especially my peripheral vision. i had made collision with my left side, and the left part of my left eyeball might be weakened. i thought about this sidelong sightline, the corner at the hook of my checking my left, namesake for this page. i haven't lost the peripheral sight, but i keep sharping my eye down that corner, to see it hasn't gone missing.
you have to look really, straight ahead, then make yourself aware of the periphery, to see it. a bottle of orange peels. some worn out sneakers. i don't even remember now the car striking me.